Tuesday 10 March 2015

Have you read this?  If not you must, my sister has recently discovered Daphne Du Maurier and I am lending her these - she is a very slow reader, bless her so in the meantime I read it again and had a spare afternoon to watch the film.
20th Century Fox 1952
  A testament to how well this is written is that still, after all these years I cannot make my mid up whether Rachel was guilty or not!
The film starred Richard Burton, he looks so young, it was his first screen role and Rachel played by Olivia de Havilland. The casting director made a perfect choice in her for this. .
By the way Olivia's sister was Joan Fontaine who played the role of the second Mrs De Winter in the film "Rebecca" also starring Lawrence Olivier - and directed by Alfred Hitchcock.
 "Rebecca" of course being the most popular of all Daphne Du Maurier's novels and a much loved film by many people.

this is mis-shapen (but lovely) red Cedar

and this is a Goat Willow - I have never seen nor heard of this before - shall look it up. and also revisit this tree later in the year when in leaf. but isn't it a wonderful shape even though it is bare.
March at last and it came in very much like a lion !
Till next time
Angela x